What is stroke physiotherapy?

After a stroke, our brains stopped growing new cells to replace the damaged ones, however, the brain can reorganize its undamaged cells and make up for what has been lost. An experienced physiotherapist will provide expert guidance on how to relearn movement and recoup all bodily functions.


Stroke Interventions along with physiotherapy have increased almost quadrupled in the past 10 years, with strong evidence of its gradual recovery with physiotherapy seen in most of the interventions for beneficial effects on one or more outcomes. Physiotherapy or stroke physiotherapy Malaysia facilitates people to regain lost abilities, and independence and decreases the risk of further strokes.


After stroke problems treated by physiotherapy

A stroke can affect your potential to move around in several different ways. These include-

  • Weakness or paralysis down one side or sometimes, both sides.

  • Changes in sensation, such as heavy limbs, numbness in pins, and needles.

  • Symmetrical problems.

  • Joint pain and partial dislocation in any part of bones.

  • Muscle immobility or muscle spasms are known as spasticity.


How can physiotherapy help after a stroke?


Physiotherapists often work with other professionals to help a patient with the range of problems that a stroke can cause. Specialized speech and language therapists, doctors, nurses, and social workers together form a team. This team can often be said as the multidisciplinary team or stroke team.


Some physiotherapists specialize in conditions caused by changes in the brain, such as stroke, and other neurological conditions such as brain injury. They can be known as neuro physios or neurological physiotherapists.


When can physiotherapy begin?

From the first 24 hours after a stroke, the patient will be encouraged to get up and move as much as he can, whether this is continuing with the previous activities or just sitting in a chair.


In the early stages, stroke therapy focuses on preventing complications and helping your recovery. Later, it can help you find ways to enable you to do things that are important to you, such as getting in and out of bed or walking. You might use equipment, or find different movement patterns to complete a task. A physiotherapist can also help you adapt an activity or task so you can do it independently.


How physiotherapy works?


  1. Soon after the stroke, you should be examined by a physiotherapist as soon as possible after being admitted to the hospital. This assessment should take account of any health problems you had prior to the stroke. Also make sure that any movement problems are identified at the initial stage, and can be organized to give every chance of making a good recovery through therapy.


  1. Good care in the early days is important to help avoid joint stiffness or muscle tightness. A therapist will instruct you on how to get comfortable and to move around if your mobility is restricted. For example how to roll over or to get in and out of bed. They can advise on when and how you can get up and what equipment may help you (such as a walking stick or splint).


  1. If you have one-sided paralysis, correct positioning is vital to stave off spasms injury. If you are unable to move, you will need a special mattress and the caregivers may need to help you change position at regular intervals (usually every two hours) to prevent pressure ulcers.


  1. If after a stroke a patient is unable to move, he may be given chest physiotherapy to keep the lungs clear. If possible, they will help them sit up in a chair, as this will help avoid blood clots in his legs, improve his breathing, and enable fast recovery.


  1. Once a patient is medically stable, the aim will be to regularize movement and do as much for himself as he can as soon as possible. Movements including standing balance, and walking with and without support are practiced by a therapist. For many people, this is a gradual process, and it is important to get each step right so that they can feel safe and regain their confidence.


When a patient gets home after stroke treatment, he as well as his family members must try to keep him as active as they can. Moving and being active can help fast recovery, decrease the risk of another stroke, and improve overall well-being. A physiotherapist only can advise on ways to build up activity levels and overall health.


VL Therapy, a popular physiotherapy center in Malaysia works successfully with hundreds of patients with various difficulties and is dedicated to providing a world-class service for every individual. A team of experienced educated and professional physiotherapists is providing various modern therapeutic treatments for stroke therapy in Malaysia to make all the patients regain their lost abilities. To know more about the services please visit the official website .